إملك من الدنيا ما شئت ، لكنك ستخرج منها كما جئت ، فازرع دَاخِل الجَميع شَيئا يَخ…

إملك من الدنيا ما شئت ، لكنك ستخرج منها كما جئت ، فازرع دَاخِل الجَميع شَيئا يَخ...

إملك من الدنيا ما شئت ، لكنك ستخرج منها كما جئت ، فازرع دَاخِل الجَميع شَيئا يَخصك ، فإنْ لم يكُن حُبا فَلْيَكُن احتِرامًا..l

seorang gadis melayu cantik, senyum tipis dengan abaya kelopak biru dan putih transparan dan warna emas dibagian tengah, “Your name” text written in neon font , bergaya elegan, ujung abaya bersayap melengkung, berputar-putar, bercahaya, mengalir dalam nuansa biru cerah mengkilap, dengan aksen emas. pakai jilbab putih, pakai boots putih, berjalan anggun, latarnya sebuah mobil sport biru, hitam. surealisme, render 3D, karya seni digital


A captivating 3D animated portrait of a trendy young character sitting confidently atop the iconic love logo. Her spiky hair contrasts with her casual attire of a denim jacket, black shirt, and blue sneakers, exuding a sense of edgy fashion. A speech bubble above her head reads, Love ;


a beautiful Korean woman wearing a hijab, long pink Muslim clothing with a picture of a helo kitty cartoon, white shoes and white gloves, hugging a very cute helo kitty cartoon with a very beautiful sunflower garden background 🌻🌻 behind which there is a waterfall


Generate an image of a beautiful pilipina woman wearing a diamond necklace,super elegant beutiful smilie ,long straight hair, with her back to the wall and wearing an elegant black hat wearing, a PINK dress holding her red purple rose and stating right at the Ellustration words “YOUR NAME” correctly words ,.Her pose speaks of elegance and confidence high resolution hpr 300k realistic

اكتفي بلقطــة شاشـــة و ساقوم بتعديل المنشــــور لاحقا
نظرا لذيق الوقت
By Adel Tunisien ♥
