مؤلمـــة الحياة عندما تصدمـــك بمن ظننت بهــم خيــراً .. 1) sebuah tangan, mema…

مؤلمـــة الحياة عندما تصدمـــك بمن ظننت بهــم خيــراً ..

sebuah tangan, mema...

مؤلمـــة الحياة عندما تصدمـــك بمن ظننت بهــم خيــراً ..

sebuah tangan, memakai gelang, memegang ujung tangkai selembar Daun kering yang bertuliskan Nama “Your name” , dengan gaya berlubang pada daun, Background tepi danau yang hijau dan jernih, pohon kelapa, langit biru, burung terbang, Sinar matahari pagi menembus daun, HDR Ultra Realistik 24k , kaligrafi


A striking image showcasing the word “name” formed by colorful candles. Each letter is made from a different vibrant color: red, orange, yellow, blue, and purple from left to right. The candles are positioned upright in a sleek, black bowl, and wisps of smoke rise gracefully from each letter, adding a whimsical, ethereal effect.


word “Your name ” in the middle of the ocean with the sun setting behind it, inspired by William Jacob Baer, sabbas, sabattier effect, by William Jacob Baer, by Jo Baer, by Josh Bayer, by Cafer Bater, inspired by Sarper Baran, sabertooth, by Sarper Baran, sam weber, inspired by Jacob Savery, by Robert Weaver, Sarper Baran, by Daren Bader, by Sebastian Spreng, inspired by Gabor Szikszai, sabattier filter, babel, photoshop water art.


Large word “Your name” in uppercase letters superimposed over an ocean landscape with the sun setting in the background, creating a beautiful blend of sky, water, and text. The letters have a semi-transparent effect, displaying the ocean waves and sunlight within them.

ملاحظــــة = قم بتفعـــيل المتابعــة لتتمكن من رؤيــــة التعليقــــات
في الاونــة الاخيرة قمت بنشر العديد من منشـــورات للذكاء الاصطناعـــي قد تجد ما يهمــك
By Adel Tunisien ♥
