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Promt :
Produce high resolution poster images with a strong religious theme. At the top is written in large, bold white text with a black shadow effect that reads “DUNIA HANYA SEMENTARA.” Underneath there are two other phrases that are smaller but still clear: on the left it says “AKHIRAT SELAMANYA” and on the right “PERBANYAK BERTAQWA.” In the middle of the poster, there is an illustration of hands looking up in a prayer position, black with a white outline which provides a sharp contrast. The background of the poster uses bright colors such as green, orange, purple, and cream mixed with a burst effect, giving an artistic impression full of energy and intensity.The text “NAMA KAMU” is in the upper left corner, indicating the possibility that this poster was created by the team or organization. On the right side near the main text, there is the NAMA logo with a bold design, adding to the visual credibility of this poster. The overall message of this image is a religious reminder to prioritize life after death (akhirat) and increase piety during life in the world.