23 thoughts on “I lost all my prompts and images and bing accounts when my phone died so I have …

  1. Oh no! This can’t be true! 😭 💔
    Let me know if I can suggest you good app for backup, storage space and managing your image library and password tools. And now I am currently testing tools for organizing prompts.

  2. I have an extra SD card in my phone, where I store all the images and written prompts, so you can quickly and easily transfer them to your PC or laptop. I also have an extra USB port, you connect it to your mobile, where you normally plug it in, for charging, then I transfer all the files to the extra USB stick of the phone and put the USB on my laptop.

  3. Surely bing is a seen on phones and tablets and desktops so won’t lose your prompts. Just sign in again with MSoft to Bing and they shld still be there 🙂. I use cell only, but friend said btr on desktop so I justvtried on desktop, signed in again and all there. U shld be fine to do also. So long as know yr sign in details, fingers crossed hope ok for you.

  4. If you’re using android, there’s a backup thing in the settings where you can have it backup your phone automatically on a schedule to Google drive. Just need a Google account. Both free. Google drive gives you 15 gb for free. Unless you have a ginormous amount of pics that should be enough for a backup. Any time you use computery things to make anything valuable to you, you gotta back it up regularly!

  5. I’m so sorry Brandy, I truly am, it has to be so frustrating. I have, (I think, maybe 29, possibly 30) prompts saved that I wrote. I know we have different “styles”, but I’ll email them to you if you’d like. It wouldn’t be all jumbled either. Please let me know.

    If you threw in your own innovativeness to these prompts I came up with, I think it’d be spectacular. I have them all organized and can paste them if you feel like experimenting with them 🙂

    I’m just being friendly Ido 😊😆

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