Okay, you’ve convinced me. Obtrusive watermarks don’t distract from the picture …

Okay, you've convinced me. Obtrusive watermarks don't distract from the picture ...

Okay, you’ve convinced me. Obtrusive watermarks don’t distract from the picture – they enhance it. Plus, I’m tired of people making millions from my images and not sharing it with me.


3 thoughts on “Okay, you’ve convinced me. Obtrusive watermarks don’t distract from the picture …

  1. Nope. No distractions there. Bravo man. Good on you. And it completely sucks that other people will make money on your work without credit or compensation. 

  2. i dont get this watermark lala… if someone wants to watermark his “work” (yes it is his work, cause he prompted it)… why shouldn’t they. it would only hurt people who want to use the images as their own. why in gods name should we share anything with each other. no one ever in real life gives you anything for free. if you want an image, generate it and don’t copy others

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